Stay Safe Around Trees & Power Lines
Do you like to climb and play in trees? Follow these tips to help keep yourself and your friends safe:
- Never climb on or play in trees that are growing next to power lines.
- Never touch a power line with your hand or with any other object, whether you are in a tree or on the ground.
- Don't build a tree house, fort, or anything else in a tree that is next to power lines.
- Tell an adult if you see trees growing close to power lines or contacting these lines.
- If you see a power line that has fallen into a tree or onto the ground, stay away and tell an adult immediately. Even if they are not sparking or humming, fallen lines can kill you if you touch them or the ground nearby.
- Tell an adult if you see someone trimming a tree next to a power line. Qualified power line tree trimmers are the only ones allowed to do this.
- Plant trees that will not grow tall or wide enough to contact nearby power lines.
- Before planting a tree, call the local electric utility to make sure you won't dig into underground power lines.